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Does a binding need to match the arguments/settings with the queue in Spring RabbitMQ?

Given the following Queue (RabbitMQ) bean in Spring Boot...

Queue exampleQueue() {
    return QueueBuilder.durable("exampleQueue")

public DirectExchange directExchange() {
    return ExchangeBuilder.directExchange("direct-exchange")

... I found the following Binding definition in the code I'm reviewing:

Binding exampleBinding(DirectExchange directExchange, Queue exampleQueue) {
    final Binding binding = BindingBuilder.bind(exampleQueue)
    binding.addArgument("x-queue-type", "quorum");
    binding.addArgument("x-single-active-consumer", "true");
    return binding;

My question is: Are these additional arguments x-queue-type and x-single-active-consumer necessary at all? My understanding is, that the queue already defines these settings and, thus, the binding does not to explicitly repeat them?


  • Those are queue arguments, not binding arguments so, no, they are not necessary; presumably RabbitMQ just ignores them.