I have a problem similar to this post: Exit program within a tkinter class
My variation on the problem involves the wait_variable
being used on a button to control "stepping forward" in an app, but also allowing the app to close cleanly.
See my code below:
# To see output unbuffered:
# python -u delete_win_test.py
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
class GUI(Tk):
def __init__(self):
# Close the app when the window's X is pressed
self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.closing)
# When this var is set to 1, the move function can continue
self.var = tk.IntVar()
# Close the app if the button is pressed
button = tk.Button(self, text="Exit",
button.place(relx=.5, rely=.5, anchor="c")
# Step forward
self.step_button = tk.Button(self, text="Step",
command=lambda: self.var.set(1))
self.step_button.place(relx=.5, rely=.75, anchor="c")
def move(self):
print("doing stuff") # simulates stuff being done
self.after(0, self.move)
def closing(self):
app = GUI()
The problem: the Python app never exits from the terminal and requires a closing of the terminal.
How can I make the Python program exit cleanly so the user does not need to close and re-open a new terminal window?
Related references for animation, etc:
UPDATE (the solution):
(Credit to both response answers below)
# Close the app if the button is pressed
button = tk.Button(self, text="Exit",
- command=self.destroy)
+ command=self.closing)
button.place(relx=.5, rely=.5, anchor="c")
# Step forward
def closing(self):
+ self.var.set("")
+ exit(0)
This allows the native window's "X" to close the window and the Tk button to close the window while still closing the Python app cleanly in the terminal.
Your closing
function needs to set the variable to cause the app to stop waiting.
def closing(self):