So I want to install XMrig on the RPI, I happen to find the following article
I wanted to know if anything in there is not written, I do have a pool ID and everything I just don't know if any packages contain any damaging effects to my RPI. (Reason, why I am mining, is for experimental purposes I know I won't gain much)
Submit files to Virustotal:
The website search the cybersecurity community uploads and check if any of the binaries or URLs were already reported as malicious.
Also, you can use ShiftLeftScan for Python code, Github code, etc:
chmod +x scan
sh <(curl
sudo apt install
sudo systemctl enable --now docker
sudo usermod -aG docker USER
sudo docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/sast-scan scan