set objXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXmlHttp.Open "GET", "", false
response.write objXmlHttp.ResponseText
This code doesnt give me to all of source code. Responsetext is until "Yapı Dergisi, 284" but orjinal page is until "/body /html". Why this happend to me?
Orjinal page -
My code -
In the original page, there appears to be a null byte at the end of the main article (after the "284"). It appears that ResponseText is treating that null byte as the end of the response string. I was able to get the full article by using the following:
Response.CharSet = 65001
Response.AddHeader "Content-Type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8"
set objXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXmlHttp.Open "GET", "", false
Response.BinaryWrite objXmlHttp.ResponseBody
Note that I set the response character set to UTF-8 which matches the original page.