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Census data extraction for time series

I am trying to download the average population for AZ counties using tidycensus, using the code below. How can I download population data for a time series period from 2000-2019 (interpolating for years that do not have decennial census or acs data)

soc.2010 <- get_decennial(geography = "county", state = "AZ", year = 2010, variables = (c(pop="P001001")), survey="sf1")

soc.16 <- get_acs(geography = "county", year=2016, variables = (c(pop="B01003_001")),state="AZ", survey="acs5") %>% mutate(Year = "2016")


  • You can use the tidycensus function, get_estimates() to get population estimates by county for each year beginning in 2010.

      geography = "county",
      state = "AZ",
      product = "population",
      time_series = TRUE
      ) %>% 
      filter(DATE >= 3) %>% 
      mutate(year = DATE + 2007)
    #> # A tibble: 300 x 6
    #>    NAME                  DATE GEOID variable   value  year
    #>    <chr>                <dbl> <chr> <chr>      <dbl> <dbl>
    #>  1 Pima County, Arizona     3 04019 POP       981620  2010
    #>  2 Pima County, Arizona     4 04019 POP       988381  2011
    #>  3 Pima County, Arizona     5 04019 POP       993052  2012
    #>  4 Pima County, Arizona     6 04019 POP       997127  2013
    #>  5 Pima County, Arizona     7 04019 POP      1004229  2014
    #>  6 Pima County, Arizona     8 04019 POP      1009103  2015
    #>  7 Pima County, Arizona     9 04019 POP      1016707  2016
    #>  8 Pima County, Arizona    10 04019 POP      1026391  2017
    #>  9 Pima County, Arizona    11 04019 POP      1036554  2018
    #> 10 Pima County, Arizona    12 04019 POP      1047279  2019
    #> # ... with 290 more rows

    The API returns somewhat confusing date codes that I've converted to years. See the date code to year mapping for 2019 population estimates for more information.

    For years prior to 2010, the Census API uses a different format that is not accessible via tidycensus. But here is an API call that gives you population by county by year for 2000 to 2010:,POP,DATE_DESC&for=county:*&in=state:04

    ["Graham County, Arizona","33356","7/1/2001 population estimate","04","009"],
    ["Graham County, Arizona","33224","7/1/2002 population estimate","04","009"],
    ["Graham County, Arizona","32985","7/1/2003 population estimate","04","009"],
    ["Graham County, Arizona","32703","7/1/2004 population estimate","04","009"],
    ["Graham County, Arizona","32964","7/1/2005 population estimate","04","009"],
    ["Graham County, Arizona","33701","7/1/2006 population estimate","04","009"],
    ["Graham County, Arizona","35175","7/1/2007 population estimate","04","009"],
    ["Graham County, Arizona","36639","7/1/2008 population estimate","04","009"],
    ["Graham County, Arizona","37525","7/1/2009 population estimate","04","009"],
    ["Graham County, Arizona","37220","4/1/2010 Census 2010 population","04","009"],