I would like to remove rows from a dataframe in R that contain a specific string (I can do this using grepl
), but also the row directly below each pattern match. Removing the rows with the matching pattern seems simple enough using grepl:
The part I am stuck with is how to also remove the row below the row that containings the pattern that matches "my_string"
in the above example.
Thank you for any suggestions anyone has!
Using grep
you can get the row number where you find a pattern. Increment the row number by 1 and remove both the rows.
inds <- grep("my_string",df$V1)
result <- df[-unique(c(inds, inds + 1)), ]
Using tidyverse
result <- df %>%
inds <- str_detect("my_string", V1)
!(inds | lag(inds, default = FALSE))