Is there any way to specify full path for url when i test APIs. Now i'm doing it in this way:
def test_product_types_retrieve(self):
self.relative_path = '/api/api_product/'
response = self.client.get(self.relative_path + 'product_types/')
I should add relative_path part to every single request, but i want to set it, for example in setUp function. Without self.relative_path i will get http://localhost:8000/product_types/ instead of http://localhost:8000/api/api_product/product_types/
My project structure is following, every api have its own with urlpatterns settings.
You could do this, you then set up the relative path in the setUp and call the api from call_api can pass args and kwargs through that.
Then if on a test you need a different relative_path you can just set it on that test and still call call_api.
class ExampleTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.relative_path = '/api/api_product/'
def call_api(self, endpoint):
return self.client.get(self.relative_path + endpoint)
def test_product_types_retrieve(self):
response = self.call_api('product_types/')
def test_requires_different_path(self):
self.relative_path = '/api/api_product/v1/'
response = self.call_api('product_types/')