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How to add custom headers to content::JSON in Rocket?

Say I have this route handler in rocket (v. 0.5.0-rc.1):

pub async fn my_route() -> content::Json<String> {
    let json =

how could I add another header (apart from content-type: application/json) to the response?

I thought of something like this, but it does not work:

pub async fn my_route() -> content::Json<String> {
    let json =
    let mut content = content::Json(json);
    content.set_raw_header("Cache-Control", "max-age=120");

I would be fine with using a raw rocket::Response and setting the content-type: application/json header myself, but I was unable to figure out how to set the body from a variable length string without running into lifetime issues.


  • You can get a raw response with the JSON string like so:

    let json =
        rocket::serde::json::serde_json::to_string(&[1, 2, 3]).unwrap();
    let response = Response::build()
        .raw_header("Cache-Control", "max-age=120")
        .sized_body(json.len(), Cursor::new(json))