I have an application that has two dependent dropdown lists, where if the user selects a value in list box A, it updates the available set of inputs in list box B. Such as make/model of a car. when the user selects the manufacturer, the list of models would update accordingly.
In winforms, this would just be handled in the autopost back event. What technique/approach should I take in asp.net MVC? is done through AJAX ? just trying to get up to speed on MVC and looking to build strategies to handle common tasks I am asked to handle at work.
I wanted to thank everyone who contributed to answering this post.
I'd do this through ajax. If you have these controls:
<select id="makes" />
and <select id="models" />
then you can do this with jquery:
$().ready(function() {
$("select#makes").change(function() {
var make = this.value;
$.getJSON('models/list?make=' + make, function(data) {
//load 2nd dropdown with result
Then you'd just need an action on the ModelsController called List() that returns a JSON data structure.