I'm trying to display the alphabet in a listwithdata widget. I am using a custom clickable label as the widget to display in the list.
For some reason everything displays fine when the widget loads. But when I start scrolling the letters starts being displayed in a completely random order and I cant figure out why.
Here is a fully working code to reproduce the bug.
package main
import (
func makeAlphabet() []string {
var alphabet []string
for ch := 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++ {
alphabet = append(alphabet, string(ch))
return alphabet
type TapLabel struct {
*widget.Label //composition
//function pointers to set to get events
OnTapped func(string)
func (mc *TapLabel) Tapped(pe *fyne.PointEvent) {
if mc.OnTapped != nil {
func NewTapLabel(text string, tappedLeft func(string)) *TapLabel {
return &TapLabel{widget.NewLabel(text), tappedLeft}
func alphabetToBrands(letter string) {
func main() {
app := app.New()
window := app.NewWindow("tac_hub")
rawData := makeAlphabet()
data := binding.BindStringList(&rawData)
list := widget.NewListWithData(
func() fyne.CanvasObject {
return NewTapLabel("template", alphabetToBrands)
func(i binding.DataItem, o fyne.CanvasObject) {
The click action works correctly and gives me the correct letter (not the one that is displayed but the one that should be displayed).
I'm guessing I must be doing something wrong somewhere but I can't figure out what.
If anyone can help it would be appreciated!
Solution with custom widget:
This is based on Fyne Extending Widgets tutorial. In particular you call ExtendBaseWidget
ExtendBaseWidget is used by an extending widget to make use of BaseWidget functionality.
You still embed widget.Label
, but not as a pointer (using a pointer also works, but the documentation uses the non-pointer example), so that the necessary methods are promoted into your widget:
func NewTapLabel(text string, tappedLeft func(string)) *TapLabel {
label := &TapLabel{}
label.OnTapped = tappedLeft
return label
And then you change the update function to set the actual bound string to the label, instead of just binding the data again as in your original example:
func(i binding.DataItem, o fyne.CanvasObject) {
s, _ := i.(binding.String).Get()
As of why the bug occurs if you omit calling ExtendBaseWidget
, I suspect it's because it was missing the base widget implementation, which this method sets.
Solution without custom widget:
list := widget.NewListWithData(
func() fyne.CanvasObject {
return &widget.Label{Text: "template"}
func(i binding.DataItem, o fyne.CanvasObject) {
list.OnSelected = func(id widget.ListItemID) {
Dropping your custom TapLabel
in favor of &widget.Label{Text: "template"}
, then to print the tapped item you use list.OnSelected
and close around the data slice.