Is there any way to extract the coordinates and dimensions of vector objects with a specific color with C#? Like a "dieline" or a "cut line", for example? I tried with PDFSharp library, but it doesn't seem to have such function. I can extract the swatches but not the coordinates or dimensions of the objects using that respective color.
You can list the vector graphics from a PDF page with PDF4NET as follows (assuming your dieline and cut line are separation colors):
PDFFixedDocument document = new PDFFixedDocument(pdfFile);
PDFContentExtractor ce = new PDFContentExtractor(document.Pages[pageNumber]);
PDFVisualObjectCollection pageVisualObjects = ce.ExtractVisualObjects(false);
for (int i = 0; i < pageVisualObjects.Count; i++)
switch (pageVisualObjects[i].Type)
case PDFVisualObjectType.Path:
PDFPathVisualObject pathVisualObject = pageVisualObjects[i] as PDFPathVisualObject;
if ((pathVisualObject.Pen != null) &&
(pathVisualObject.Pen.Color.ColorSpace.Type == PDFColorSpaceType.Separation))
PDFSeparationColorSpace cs =
pathVisualObject.Pen.Color.ColorSpace as PDFSeparationColorSpace;
if (cs.Colorant == "dieline")
Console.WriteLine("dieline stroke");
for (int j = 0; j < pathVisualObject.PathItems.Count; j++)
Console.Write("{0}: ", pathVisualObject.PathItems[j].Type);
if (pathVisualObject.PathItems[j].Points != null)
for (int k = 0; k < pathVisualObject.PathItems[j].Points.Length; k++)
Console.Write("[{0:0.######}, {1:0.######}] ",
if ((pathVisualObject.Brush != null) &&
(pathVisualObject.Brush.Color.ColorSpace.Type == PDFColorSpaceType.Separation))
PDFSeparationColorSpace cs =
pathVisualObject.Brush.Color.ColorSpace as PDFSeparationColorSpace;
if (cs.Colorant == "dieline")
Console.WriteLine("dieline fill");
for (int j = 0; j < pathVisualObject.PathItems.Count; j++)
Console.Write("{0}: ", pathVisualObject.PathItems[j].Type);
if (pathVisualObject.PathItems[j].Points != null)
for (int k = 0; k < pathVisualObject.PathItems[j].Points.Length; k++)
Console.Write("[{0:0.######}, {1:0.######}] ",
This is the output from a sample PDF file that contains a filled and stroked rectangle:
dieline stroke
MoveTo: [20, 605]
LineTo: [270, 605]
LineTo: [270, 705]
LineTo: [20, 705]
dieline fill
MoveTo: [20, 605]
LineTo: [270, 605]
LineTo: [270, 705]
LineTo: [20, 705]
Disclaimer: I work for the company that develops PDF4NET library.