For example, I have a Table
Id | CarPartId | CarPartPrice | Metadata |
1 | spanner | 580 | Some other data |
2 | spanner | 570 | Some other data 2 |
3 | wheel | 423 | Some other data |
4 | window | 234 | Some other data |
5 | engine | 568 | Some other data 1 |
6 | engine | 423 | Some other data 2 |
Notice that when I do a SELCT * FROM this table, I would get two rows of CarPartId, but what I really want is to get the CarPartId row whereby the CarPartPrice is the highest, along with other rows from the table.
How do I achieve this? For example, my query should return this
Id | CarPartId | CarPartPrice | Metadata |
1 | spanner | 580 | Some other data |
3 | wheel | 423 | Some other data |
4 | window | 234 | Some other data |
5 | engine | 568 | Some other data 1 |
try this:
SELECT * from table INNER JOIN
(SELECT CarPartId, MAX(CarPartPrice) as MaxPrice
FROM table GROUP BY CarPartId
) grouptable
ON table.CarPartId = grouptable.CarPartId
AND table.CarPartPrice = grouptable.MaxPrice