I'm defining a class as follow, using the suggestion from https://blog.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/2020/10/phpstorm-2020-3-eap-4/#arrayshape to define the array shape as a constant so that it can be used around the project:
namespace my\namespace\Api;
use JetBrains\PhpStorm\ArrayShape;
class CheckoutSessionLineItemMetadata implements MetadataInterface {
* The ArrayShape of toArray().
public const ARRAY_SHAPE = [
'order_item_id' => "string",
'order_id' => "string",
'product_variation_id' => "string",
* Constructs a new object.
* @param string $order_item_id
* @param string $order_id
* @param string $product_variation_id
public function __construct(
private string $order_item_id,
private string $order_id,
private string $product_variation_id) {
* {@inheritDoc}
#[ArrayShape(self::ARRAY_SHAPE)] public function toArray(): array {
return [
'order_item_id' => $this->order_item_id,
'order_id' => $this->order_id,
'product_variation_id' => $this->product_variation_id,
This is being used to help me pass some data to the Stripe API when creating a transaction.
There's somewhere else where I'm looping over data provided by a separate Stripe API response which includes a metadata element with that structure. I'd like to hint that the data takes on this array shape, but I'm not really sure how (or if) I can do it.
foreach ($data->display_items as $line_item) {
/** @var $metadata CheckoutSessionLineItemMetadata::ARRAY_SHAPE */
$metadata = $line_item->metadata;
// Ideally I'd get hinting that the associated keys are on this element.
Is this possible? I should note that I am using this plugin: https://github.com/klesun/deep-assoc-completion/issues/63, so I could duplicate the structure with that, but it'd be a shame since it's already defined elsewhere.
Okay, after posting an edit with the deep-assoc-completion link I figured out how to do this. This does what I wanted.
foreach ($data->display_items as $line_item) {
/** @var $metadata = CheckoutSessionLineItemMetadata::ARRAY_SHAPE */
$metadata = $line_item->metadata;