I am working with a moose telemetry dataset in R consisting of multiple moose, multiple gps locations per moose per day, and temperature data acquired per day. I want to create an index of thermal stress by taking the number of days a moose experiences temperatures above -5 and multiple by the number of degrees above that threshold. Each time the temperature goes below -5 the count of days above the threshold resets. I am not interested in creating an index below -5, so data points with temperatures below -5 can have an index of NA.
Each individual moose may not have locations for the same days as other moose, so I need to repeat this process per each individual moose.
Here is a sample dataset below, I have columns similar to Moose, Date, and Temperature, and am looking to create a column like TempIndex.
As you can see on 2013-01-01 Moose 1 (M1) and Moose 2 (M2) experienced a temperature of 2C, which is 7C above -5 and was the second day above the -5 threshold, creating an index of 14 (aka 2*7).
Moose <- c('M1','M1','M1','M1',
Date <- as.Date(c('2012-12-30','2012-12-31','2012-12-31','2013-01-01',
Temperature <- c(-6,-4,-4, 2,
2, 2,-8,-8,
1, 1,-9,-9,
2, 2,-8,-8,
-8, 1,-9,-9)
TempIndex <- c(NA, 1, 1,14,
6, 6,NA,NA,
NA,NA, 1, 1,
NA, 6,NA,NA)
dat <- data.frame(Moose,Date,Temperature,TempIndex)
Moose Date Temperature TempIndex
1 M1 2012-12-30 -6 NA
2 M1 2012-12-31 -4 1
3 M1 2012-12-31 -4 1
4 M1 2013-01-01 2 14
5 M1 2013-01-01 2 14
6 M1 2013-01-01 2 14
7 M1 2013-01-02 -8 NA
8 M1 2013-01-02 -8 NA
9 M1 2013-01-03 1 6
10 M1 2013-01-03 1 6
11 M1 2013-01-04 -9 NA
12 M1 2013-01-04 -9 NA
13 M2 2012-12-30 -6 NA
14 M2 2012-12-30 -6 NA
15 M2 2013-12-31 -4 1
16 M2 2013-12-31 -4 1
17 M2 2013-01-01 2 14
18 M2 2013-01-01 2 14
19 M2 2013-01-02 -8 NA
20 M2 2013-01-02 -8 NA
21 M2 2013-01-02 -8 NA
22 M2 2013-01-03 1 6
23 M2 2013-01-04 -9 NA
24 M2 2013-01-04 -9 NA
You can use tidyverse
and try the following.
After grouping by Moose
, you can create groups where the temperature transitions from below -5 to above -5 degrees. When this happens, it will start a new group number, which can also be used in your grouping.
Then, you can calculate the temp index based on your formula. This assumes your dates are in chronological order (if not, you can use arrange
The results seem to match (though I think the date for moose M2 is not what was intended going from '2012-12-30' to '2013-12-31'.
dat %>%
group_by(Moose) %>%
group_by(Group = cumsum(Temperature > -5 & lag(Temperature <= -5, default = 0)), .add = TRUE) %>%
mutate(NewTempIndex = ifelse(Temperature > -5, (Temperature + 5) * (Date - first(Date) + 1), NA_integer_))
Moose Date Temperature TempIndex Group NewTempIndex
<chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
1 M1 2012-12-30 -6 NA 0 NA
2 M1 2012-12-31 -4 1 1 1
3 M1 2012-12-31 -4 1 1 1
4 M1 2013-01-01 2 14 1 14
5 M1 2013-01-01 2 14 1 14
6 M1 2013-01-01 2 14 1 14
7 M1 2013-01-02 -8 NA 1 NA
8 M1 2013-01-02 -8 NA 1 NA
9 M1 2013-01-03 1 6 2 6
10 M1 2013-01-03 1 6 2 6
# … with 14 more rows