I want my configuration menu to open at the start of a script if the Ctrl key is being pressed. That is, the user would start pressing the key before the script starts running.
To intercept that I have tried keyboard.is_pressed('ctrl')
, but it always returns false.
I have also tried keyboard.read_key
but this method gives me two problems:
If it is not pressed, the program does not continue running.
If it is pressed, it just continues running only when I release the control key.
Maybe I just need to think of another way to open this menu.
Assuming my code is going to run on Windows and thanks to my experience in C++ I came up with the win32api
# Windows module to controll the keyboard
import win32api
# Windows module with every key code
import win32con
# Check whether the control key is pressed
if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(win32con.VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000 > 0: