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Recode categorical variable as new variable in R

How would I add a new categorical column to this data based on the values in the 1st column in R? Like this:

> head(df)
1       Sailfin molly
2 Hardhead silverside
3           Blue crab

if common_name = "Sailfin molly", "Hardhead silverside", put "Fish" else, put "Crab"

> head(df)
          common_name   category
1       Sailfin molly   Fish
2 Hardhead silverside   Fish
3           Blue crab   Crab


  • Found this answer here (

    df <- mutate(df, cat = ifelse(grepl("Sailfin molly", common_name), "Fish",
                                          ifelse(grepl("Hardhead silverside", common_name), "Fish", "Crab")))