I am creating a custom layout, based on ConstraintLayout, in which I would like to populate multiple buttons programmatically around the button (Button Main) using CircularPositioning. I have no problems with using CircularPositioning in xml files (Button XML). However, when I am adding a new button (Button Kotlin) programmatically in the init block of my layout, the constraints added with LayoutParams are being ignored and the added button jumps to the left top corner.
Below is the code for my layout:
class MyCustomLayout(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) : ConstraintLayout(context, attrs) {
init {
val layout = inflate(context, R.layout.circular_buttons, this) as ConstraintLayout
val buttonMain = findViewById<Button>(R.id.circular_buttons_button_main)
val newButton = Button(context)
newButton.id = View.generateViewId()
newButton.text = "Button Kotlin"
newButton.visibility = VISIBLE
val params =
LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
).apply {
circleConstraint = buttonMain.id
circleRadius = 100
circleAngle = 60f
newButton.layoutParams = params
I also tried adding constraints with the ConstraintSet, however, results are the same.
val constraintSet = ConstraintSet()
constraintSet.constrainCircle(newButton.id, buttonMain.id, 100, 60f)
constraintSet.constrainHeight(newButton.id, ConstraintSet.WRAP_CONTENT)
constraintSet.constrainWidth(newButton.id, ConstraintSet.WRAP_CONTENT)
What am I doing wrong?
You are adding the your button to a different parent. Your 'layout' variable is referenced to parent view. The ConstraintLayout you wanted to add a button to became a child of this view.
Your hierarchy was something like this:
<Button> --> Added from XML
<Button> --> Added from code
To solve this you need to take the reference of the constraint layout in XML and add button to it.
For example:
val clMain = layout.findViewById<ConstraintLayout>(R.id.cl_main)