Search code examples

Kusto Query, How to Save Query Result and Use Later

In App Insight, how can I write a KQL that save a query result into a variable, and use that variable later in a second query?

For example, find the timestamp when an incident happens:

let incidentTime = traces 
| where message = "UNIQUE IDENTIFIER"
| limit 1

Later use this timestamp in a 2nd query to find nearby traces when incident happens

| where timestamp between (datetime_diff('minute', -1, incidentTime)..incidentTime)

The second query gives me an error basically saying cannot retrieve the scalar value from incidentTime.

How can I read the value from incidentTime and put it into the 2nd query?


  • you can use toscalar() and around():

    for example:

    let incidentTime = toscalar(
        | where message = "UNIQUE IDENTIFIER"
        | project timestamp
        | limit 1
    | where around(timestamp, incidentTime, 1m)

    similarly, if you want to do so for multiple columns:

    let params = toscalar(
        | where message = "UNIQUE IDENTIFIER"
        | project pack_array(timestamp, username)
        | limit 1
    | where around(timestamp, todatetime(params[0]), 1m)
    | where username == tostring(params[1])