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Avoiding the GOTO paradigm in Fortran FORMAT when reading/writing

At the university, the professor teaching us Fortran, gave us the following code:

     program example
     integer year, month, day, inst, kind, ozone
     real time
     read(1,1000) year, month, day, inst, kind, ozone, time
1000 format(i4,1x,i2,1x,i2,1x,i1,1x,i1,1x,i3,1x,f8.3)

In this code, the line indexed with 1000 specifies the particular input format. Isn't it something like a GOTO logic? And if yes, what's the most appropriate way to avoid it, in the context of Fortran?


  • In a formatted data transfer statement there are three ways to specify the format to use (Fortran 2018 R1215):

    • referencing a labelled FORMAT statement
    • using a (default) character expression
    • with a * (for list-directed formatting)

    For example (using a PRINT statement for clarity):

    1000 FORMAT (I0)
    print 1000, 1     ! Pointing to a FORMAT statement
    print '(I0)', 1   ! Literal constant: one form of a character expression
    print *, 1        ! List-directed formatting

    In none of these is the format specification functionally like a GO TO statement.

    A GO TO statement changes the flow of execution whereas in the format specification execution remains at the data transfer statement, and then continues to the next statement.

    Specifying a label for the format doesn't transfer execution control to that statement, it simply says "use the format given by the statement 1000". This is conceptually like how

    character(*), parameter :: CHAR_FMT='(I0)'
    print CHAR_FMT, 1

    says "use the character object CHAR_FMT (which is declared/defined elsewhere)" as the format.

    You'll find may objections to FORMAT statements and (reasonable) suggestions for alternatives, but no objection to using a FORMAT statement is based on "like a GO TO". (And, of course, GO TO statements are not inherently evil.)

    Format specifications can be contrasted with the err= and end= and eor= specifiers: these functionally are like GO TO statements:

    1 read(unit, fmt, err=10, end=20, eor=20) x
    ! COME FROM 1
    20 continue
    ! COME FROM 1
    10 ERROR STOP "Error in the read"

    Such jump-like flow can be alternatively managed with IOSTAT control:

    read(unit, fmt, iostat=iostat) x
    if (iostat...) ...