I would like to get the attributes of a tag using a pattern. Consider something like so
<foo id="136E2A751268FFDFD3EB6CB6FE91D88F"
captionText-0="bla bla"
captionText-1="bada bing bada boom"
httpUri-1="https://path/to/server2">foo 1-2</foo>
using cheeriojs, something like the following (which, of course, doesn't work)
const attribs = [
const tag = {}
attribs.forEach(a => {
const re = `${a}-[0-9]+`
const attr = $(e).attr(/re/)
if (attr) {
tag[re] = attr
If you're simply matching against a list, then:
// cheeiro output of element.attribs
var attribs = {
'captionText-1': '1',
'captionText-2': '2',
'httpUri-3': 3,
'httpUri-4': 4
// list of values to match against
var match_list = ['captionText', 'httpUri'];
// holds matched key/value attributes
var tag = {};
// loops through attribs object
for (var key in attribs) {
// returns boolean, partial matches current attribute against each value in match list
// var is_matched = match_list.some(function(item) {return key.indexOf(item) > -1;});
var is_matched = match_list.some(function(item) {return key.match(new RegExp('^' + item + '-[0-9]+', 'gi'));});
if (is_matched) {
tag[key] = attribs[key];