When writing nested functions in Octave, the variables do not seem to be encapsuled:
function r = asd()
function res1 = fn1()
res1 = 0;
function res2 = fn2()
res2 = 0;
for i = 10:20
res2 = res2 + i;
for i = 1:10
printf("i before calling fn2(): %d\n", i);
res1 = res1 + fn2();
printf("i after calling fn2(): %d\n", i);
This seems very odd to me because it screams for bugs, right? Is there a specific reason the variables are not encapsuled here?
Nested functions exist explicitly to share variables with the enclosing function. This is their purpose. If you don’t want a private function to share variables with the calling function, declare it after the calling function in the same M-file. This makes it a “local function”, a function only visible from within this file.
In general nested functions are weird and should only be used in specific circumstances. One place they are useful is to encapsulate variables in a more complex lambda than can be accomplished with an anonymous function:
% Returns a function that depends on x
function f = createLambda(x)
y = atan(x); % some calculation
function res = nested(val)
res = y * val; % …but this would be several lines or a loop or whatever
f = @nested
Nested functions exist in Octave because they were introduced in MATLAB. You should read the excellent MATLAB documentation to learn more about them.