I'm using seaborn.displot to display a distribution of scores for a group of participants.
Is it possible to have the y axis show an actual percentage (example below)?
This is required by the audience for the data. Currently it is done in excel but It would be more useful in python.
import seaborn as sns
data = sns.load_dataset('titanic')
p = sns.displot(data=data, x='age', hue='sex', height=4, kind='kde')
As mentioned by @JohanC, the y axis for a KDE is a density, not a proportion, so it does not make sense to convert it to a percentage.
You'd have two options. One would be to plot a KDE curve over a histogram with histogram counts expressed as percentages:
data=tips, x="total_bill", hue="sex",
kind="hist", stat="percent", kde=True,
But your "desired plot" actually doesn't look like a density at all, it looks like a histogram plotted with a line instead of bars. You can get that with element="poly"
data=tips, x="total_bill", hue="sex",
kind="hist", stat="percent", element="poly", fill=False,