i just want a working Progressbar (tqdm) when downloading with Telethon.
def prog(current, total):
global pbar
pbar = tqdm()
async def DoIt():
global pbar
async for message in client.iter_messages(entity=entity, limit=60,reverse=False):
pbar = tqdm(unit='B',unit_scale=True,total=message.media.document.size)
await client.download_media(message.media.document, "Q:\\dl", progress_callback=prog)
It does not really work. The Progressbar goes from "0" to "100":
then this appears:
The way tqdm work in my opinion, is that it update the chunk that was completed. For this example to work, I had to workout the change from previous update and feed that to update. Work well.
# Printing download progress
def callback(current, total):
global pbar
global prev_curr
prev_curr = current
async def main():
global pbar
global prev_curr
async for message in client.iter_messages(chat, reverse=True):
if message.media:
prev_curr = 0
pbar = tqdm(total=message.document.size, unit='B', unit_scale=True)
path = await message.download_media('{}/{}'.format(dlw_path,file_name), progress_callback=callback)