I have a package where I'm trying to load a string from my rootBundle. This file is to be used within the package itself only as part of internal configuration. I cant see where i'm going wrong.
This is my folder structure:
--> lib
--> pubspec.yaml
--> assets/file.js
This is the content of my pubspec.yaml
- assets/
- assets/file.js
This is how i'm calling it
String js = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/file.js');
I keep on getting unable to load asset
Unable to load asset: assets/file.js
had the same problem but solved it by doing this:
In your package's .yaml file, add this line to import the file/asset
- packages/<Package name>/assets/<File name>
Replace the <Package name>
with the name of your package, and <File name>
with the name of said file/asset.
Then place the file/asset in a folder under your lib directory of your package. The structure should look something like this:
--> lib
--> assets
Make sure to add any additional folders to the reference if necessary.
When referencing the file/asset in your app or package, use the same reference as in you .yaml file:
String js = await rootBundle.loadString('packages/<Package name>/assets/file.js');
For example, here I'm getting a .js file.