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Pandas dataframe: Fill in interpolated date values per category

I'm working in Python 3 with a Pandas DataFrame. It has columns for Category, Date and Value. For each category, I want to add rows with the missing days, such the value is linearly interpolated.

To create the minimal example, I use the following code

df = pd.DataFrame({
'cat':['A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B'],
'date': ['2021-1-1', '2021-1-4', '2021-1-5', '2021-1-7', '2021-11-1', '2021-11-2', '2021-11-5'],
'value': [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 9.0]})

df['cat'] = df['cat'].astype('category')
df['date'] = df['date'].astype('datetime64')

Which gives the following dataframe

cat date          value
A   2021-01-01    1.0
A   2021-01-04    2.0
A   2021-01-05    3.0
A   2021-01-07    4.0
B   2021-11-01    5.0
B   2021-11-02    6.0
B   2021-11-05    9.0

I would like the output to be like this example, Where I used '<' to indicate the newly inserted rows

cat date          value
A   2021-01-01    1.0
A   2021-01-02    1.333  <
A   2021-01-03    1.667  <
A   2021-01-04    2.0
A   2021-01-05    3.0
A   2021-01-06    3.5    <
A   2021-01-07    4.0
B   2021-11-01    5.0
B   2021-11-02    6.0
B   2021-11-03    7.0    <
B   2021-11-04    8.0    <
B   2021-11-05    9.0

In the actual problem, I don't want the weekend-days (Saturdays and Sundays), but I've stated the problem like above to prevent adding extra layers (I can easily filter the weekend-days out later if needed). However, not including them in the first place may allow for more efficient code, so I'd thought I'd mention this snag as well. Thanks for any help!


  • Use DataFrame.groupby with resample or Series.asfreq for missing values for days and then interpolate per groups in lambda function:

    df = (df.set_index('date')
            .apply(lambda x: x.asfreq('d').interpolate())
    print (df)
       cat       date     value
    0    A 2021-01-01  1.000000
    1    A 2021-01-02  1.333333
    2    A 2021-01-03  1.666667
    3    A 2021-01-04  2.000000
    4    A 2021-01-05  3.000000
    5    A 2021-01-06  3.500000
    6    A 2021-01-07  4.000000
    7    B 2021-11-01  5.000000
    8    B 2021-11-02  6.000000
    9    B 2021-11-03  7.000000
    10   B 2021-11-04  8.000000
    11   B 2021-11-05  9.000000

    df = (df.set_index('date')
            .apply(lambda x: x.resample('d').first().interpolate())
    print (df)
       cat       date     value
    0    A 2021-01-01  1.000000
    1    A 2021-01-02  1.333333
    2    A 2021-01-03  1.666667
    3    A 2021-01-04  2.000000
    4    A 2021-01-05  3.000000
    5    A 2021-01-06  3.500000
    6    A 2021-01-07  4.000000
    7    B 2021-11-01  5.000000
    8    B 2021-11-02  6.000000
    9    B 2021-11-03  7.000000
    10   B 2021-11-04  8.000000
    11   B 2021-11-05  9.000000


    f = lambda x: x.interpolate()
    s = df.set_index('date').groupby('cat')['value'].resample('d').first().groupby(level=0).apply(f)
    print (s)
    cat  date      
    A    2021-01-01    1.000000
         2021-01-02    1.333333
         2021-01-03    1.666667
         2021-01-04    2.000000
         2021-01-05    3.000000
         2021-01-06    3.500000
         2021-01-07    4.000000
    B    2021-11-01    5.000000
         2021-11-02    6.000000
         2021-11-03    7.000000
         2021-11-04    8.000000
         2021-11-05    9.000000
    Name: value, dtype: float64