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Xamarin forms android - google maps app not found

I have an XF android app that checks if the Google Maps app is installed on device.

Before Android 11 I used this code:

 public static bool IsAppInstalled(string packageName)
      PackageManager pm = MainActivity.AppInstance.PackageManager;
      bool installed;
          pm.GetPackageInfo(packageName, PackageInfoFlags.Activities);
          installed = true;
      catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException)
          installed = false;
          return installed;

with packageName == "".

Now I'm testing it on a Samsung Galaxy S10 with Android 11 and with Google Maps installed as stock app, and the above function return false.

How can I check if that app is installed on the device?

I have tried also this solution but without luck.

Thank you.


  • Since Android 11 (API level 30), most user-installed apps are not visible by default. In your manifest, you must statically declare which apps you are going to get info about, as in the following:

    <manifest package="">
            <package android:name="" />
            <package android:name="" />

    In the rare cases where the <queries> element doesn't provide adequate package visibility, you can use the QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission.

    For more details,please check: