Search code examples

Excel VBA SQL Statement with Contains

I have a table in Excel which I want to use to get some measures via SQL.

This is the first part of my code, which works fine:

Option Explicit

Sub MySQL()

    Dim cn As Object, rs As Object, output As String, sql As String

    Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    With cn
        .Provider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
        .ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & ";" & _
        "Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";"
    End With

Now I can get the amount of entries with a specific condition like:

sql = "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM [Data$] WHERE [Type] = ""myType"" and [Status] = ""myStatus"""
Set rs = cn.Execute(sql)
MsgBox (rs(0))

Now I would like to use a CONTAINS condition, but this does not work:

sql = "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM [Data$] WHERE CONTAINS([Type], ""T"")"
Set rs = cn.Execute(sql)
MsgBox (rs(0))


  • Contains is a non-standard SQL function that is available in SQL Server (See It is used to perform fuzzy searches of all kinds.

    Contains is not available when you query other data sources (Excel, Access, Oracle...).

    If you just look for a substring, you can use the like-operator and use % as wildcard, eg

    sql = "SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM [Data$] WHERE [Type] like '%T%' "

    '%T%' will find anything containing the letter T
    'T%' will find anything starting with the letter T
    '%T' will find anything ending with the letter T
    (this is, of course, not limited to a single character, you can use '%overflow%' if you want).

    Note that different database systems have different rules for case sensitivity. Querying Excel is case insensitive, so like %t% and like %T% return the same result. This is different on other databases.

    You should, btw, make it a habit to use single quotes for constant text within an SQL statement. Double quotes work in Excel but are not SQL standard and will fail in most databases.