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Transform control produces gaps in the model

I'm referencing the code here to move a model. However, I found the distance between the transfrom mesh and the object I moved, even though I used a bounding box. The larger the object, the greater the distance between the transforms. enter image description here

my code

_onControlsChange(ev) {
    if (this.selectedModel) {
      const posTransform = this._controls.position;
      let tr = this.selectedModel.getPlacementTransform();
      tr.elements[12] = posTransform.x;
      tr.elements[13] = posTransform.y;
      tr.elements[14] = posTransform.z;

      this._viewer.impl.invalidate(true, true, true);

_onSelectionChange(ev) {
    const selSet = ev.selections;
    const firstSel = selSet[0];

    if (firstSel) {
      const listdbIds = firstSel.dbIdArray;
      const dbidItem = listdbIds[0];
      const typeModel = dbidItem.toString().slice(0, 3);
      if (typeModel !== "500") return;

      const model = firstSel.model;
      this.selectedModel = model;
      let dbIds = firstSel.dbIdArray;
      let firstDbId = dbIds[0];
      const instanceTree = model.getData().instanceTree;
      const fragList = model.getFragmentList();
      let bounds = new THREE.Box3();
        (fragId) => {
          let box = new THREE.Box3();
          fragList.getWorldBounds(fragId, box);

      const position = bounds.getCenter();
      this._controls.visible = true;
    } else {
      this._controls.visible = false;
      this.selectedModel = null;


  • I've updated the transform tool in the GitHub branch so that you can now configure it to move either individual objects, or entire models. See the commit

    To configure the tool to move the entire model, initialize the extension like so:

    viewer.loadExtension('TransformExtension', { mode: TransformToolMode.MODEL });