I want api to send otp but when default_2fa is mobile or email.write this code but respone is null even status code is 200 , i do some test on otpcall outside of if statement and the response work well
const login = (values) => {
let payload = {
"input": values.phone_number,
"password": values.password,
axios.post(loginUrl, payload = payload)
.then(resp => {
if (typeof resp !== 'undefined') {
if (resp.data.result.is_2fa_active) {
if (resp.data.result.default_2fa === "authenticator_app") {
if ( resp.data.result.default_2fa === "mobile" || resp.data.result.default_2fa === "email") {
let payloadOtp = {
"type": resp.data.result.default_2fa,
"input": values.phone_number,
"password": values.password,
axios.post(otpUrl, payloadOtp).then(response => {
return response
when i call this api the otp api statuse code is 200 and payload has all values i want but response is null please help me what is wrong with my code!
I realize that this problem comes from the server. Below is my solution to fix this.
const login = (values) => {
sessionStorage.setItem('mobile', values.phone_number); //set mobile into local session
sessionStorage.setItem('password', values.password); //set password into local session
const loginUrl = `${BASE_URL(IAM_APP)}/auth/login/`
let payload = {
"input": values.phone_number,
"password": values.password,
"user_agent": "postman",
"client_host": "local"
axios.post(loginUrl, payload) //request for login if 2factor authentication is true then send to another component
.then(resp => {
if (resp !== undefined){
if (resp.data?.result?.access_token) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.location.href = DASHBOARD
}, 1000);
} else if (resp?.data?.result.is_2fa_active === true) {
if (resp.data.result.default_2fa === "authenticator_app") {
} else if (resp.data.result.default_2fa === "email") {
} else if (resp.data.result.default_2fa === "mobile") {
then for example in the LOGIN2FASMS route solve issue like this
const otpSent = () => { //send otp to mobile
const otpUrl = `${BASE_URL(IAM_APP)}/auth/2fa/otp/`
let payloadOtp = {
"type": "mobile",
"input": mobile,
"password": password,
return axios.post(otpUrl, payloadOtp)
useEffect(() => {
otpSent().then(resp => {
if (resp?.data?.result === 'otp sent'){
}, [mobile, password]);
yeah, its done ;)