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SPNEGO settings for Firefox and Google Chrome

I'm trying to configure Google Chrome and Firefox to work via SPNEGO/Kerberos with IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 on WAS7, when the client is in a domain other than the one in which need to log in. In IE this can be done by setting "prompt for user name and password", but I can't find any analogue of this setting in FF and GC.

My current FF & GC settings:


 - network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris = domain
 - network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris = domain



It works only if client is in the same domain in which to log in.


  • Just to update this... There are settings for Chrome and Firefox that have allowed this for some time. If you search for "configure chrome firefox spnego" you will get numerous (probably outdated) links.

    Nowadays, Chrome, Edge and Firefox use the same registry settings as IE so you no additional config. is required.