I get the TypeError: 'int' object is not callable on the line 27 (var = ...)
the file data1_.txt is just 5 lines with a integer number in each line.
Can someone help me to understand why?
line_number = 0;
countline = 0;
linesum = 0;
avg = 0;
var = 0;
linelist = [];
f = open("data1_.txt", "r")
while True:
#how to count lines
line = f.readline()
if line == "" :
line = line.rstrip("\n\r")
line_number += 1
if line != "/n":
countline += 1
#how to list the numbers
x = line.strip()
#how to sum the numbers of the list
linesum += int(x)*1.0
avg = linesum/countline;
#how to calculate variant of numbers
var = sum((y-avg) **2 for y in linelist) / countline
print("number of lines:", countline)
print("the numbers:", linelist)
print("sum of numbers:", linesum)
print("avarage:", avg)
print("variant:", var)
I found your problem. in your sum statement you are trying to compare the string value of y (which is what readlines gives) when it should be a float value.
Try this:
#how to calculate variant of numbers
var = sum((float(y)-avg) **2 for y in linelist) / countline