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Fancybox and Quicksand - Bit of a headache

I've been trying to get Fancybox and Quicksand to work together. I've got them both working, on the same page, just not "together".
Here's some pieces of code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {  
                'type'              : 'image',
                'titlePosition'     : 'outside',
                'overlayColor'      : '#000',
                'overlayOpacity'    : 0.7


And Then:

  <a href="./gallery/img/shots/3.jpg" ><img src="./gallery/img/shots/3.jpg" /></a> 

Together, these work. However, is doesn't work (Just opens image in new tab) on anything in the Quicksand "area", such as:

<section id="container">
            <ul id="stage">
                <li data-tags="Urban"><a href="./gallery/img/shots/1.jpg"><img src="./gallery/img/shots/1.jpg" alt="Illustration" /></li></a>

I've looked around, and found that I might have to change the following code from the tutorial:



    // FancyBox initialization code.

I've also looked around for this "initialization code", and all I;ve found is fancybox_init();. This doesn't seem to do anything? :S I've also tried changing it to the $('a:visible').fancybox({...});, but this doesn't work either.
I know it's something small/silly, I just can't see it.
I know this works on any link on the page, but that's something to fix later, I don;t think it's the issue? Thanks for any help,
Joseph Duffy


  • I believe the reason that it might not be working is that you're including a link tag in your mark-up. Basically, your link gets clicked and the image opens up as the result of the click. Try removing the 'a' tags and see if you still experience the same problem.