I am trying to dockerize the Rest API built with Scala Play so I can use AWS EC2 or Kubernetes to deploy it.
Following this: : https://guilhebl.github.io/scala/backend/docker/play/2017/08/23/scala-play-docker-sbt-native-packager-example/ and it failed using this sequence of command:
sbt playGenerateSecret
sbt dist
sbt docker:publishLocal
docker run -p 9000:9000 -e APPLICATION_SECRET="token from above" play-scala-rest-api-example:1.0-SNAPSHOT
with this official example app:
Other teams need a Dockerfile
to deploy the app to AWS EC2 with Jenkins. Right now it seems like a Dockerfile
is not generated until sbt docker:publishLocal
It would be better if we can find some official tutorials showing how to do this.
Answers from mfirry:
sbt docker:stage
from https://www.scala-sbt.org/sbt-native-packager/formats/docker.html#tasks