I have two different metrics that I am trying to combine in a PromQL expression to write an alert. One of the metrics, say is_up
represents if a node is up. The other metric is_active
represents if something on that node is running.
Each of them have labels that can be used to compare them, but the labels are called different things on each. So on is_up
we have label_a="node_id"
and on is_active
we have label_b="node_id"
where the node_ids
are the same.
If the label names were the same, e.g. label
, I could write a query that looks like:
count(is_up) by (label) unless count(is_active) by (label)
But this isn't possible. I can't relabel it in a global config as there is already a label on is_up
that is called label_b
but it has a different format :/
So my current thinking is to (using PromQL, so at evaluation time) remove the label_b
from is_up
and rename the label label_a
to label_b
I saw this answer previously about this topic: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60894489/16546473 but I'm not sure that it applies to me as it's just talking about renaming a label, but I need to
from is_up
, thenlabel_a
in is_up
to label_b
so that it can be directly compared to label_b
in is_active
Let me know if this makes sense
I managed it like this:
sum without (label_a) (label_replace(sum(is_up) without (label_b), "label_b", "$1", "label_a", "(.*)"))