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How to set input box value to a string in Blazor WebAssembly?

I am using Blazor WebAssmebly. I have an input box and I simply want to reset it to no text after the user types in text and hits the Enter key:

<input id="txtWord" name="txtWord" placeholder="Enter your text" @onchange="@onChange" @onkeyup="@Enter" />

private void onChange(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ChangeEventArgs args)
    value = (string)args.Value;

public void Enter(KeyboardEventArgs e)
    if (e.Code == "Enter" || e.Code == "NumpadEnter")
        if (value.Trim() != "")

So I set the variable 'value' to the input text, but then I want to clear the text box. How do I do that?


  • It looks like as if you're not binding your input to the value variable. Your code should be something like this:

     <input id="txtWord" name="txtWord" placeholder="Enter your text" 
      value ="@value" @onchange="onChange" @onkeyup="Enter" />
        private string value;

    Note that by adding the value attribute to the input element I create a two-way databinding, from the variable to the control, and from the control to the variable. When you use the @onchange directive, you create a one-way data binding.

    In order to reset the input element, you can do the following:

    if (value.Trim() != "")
         // I guess it is here that you want to reset the input 
         // element. Assigning empty string to the `value` variable
         // will cause the control to re-render with the new value; 
         // that is empty string...
         value = "";