Search code examples

Calculating sub-total in each group

I need report from multi table I use this query (SQL Server)

Select  CASE When ([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 1 )Then 'Purchas1'
When([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 3 ) Then 'Output'
When([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 4 ) Then 'Input' 
When [bills].[BT] ='1'  Then  'ٍSales'
When [bills].[BT] = '2' Then  'Prch2'
When [bills].[BT] = '3' Then  'ٍSales2'
When [bills].[BT] = '4'  Then 'SInput' 
END AS BillType,
[mat].[Name] as Product,
[mat].[Code], [store].[Name], 
SUM( [billInfo].[qty]) as Qtys 
from [mat],[billInfo000],[store],[bu],[bills] 
Where [bu].[TG] =[bills].[g]
and [billInfo].[ParentGUID] =[bu].[g] 
and [billInfo].[StoreGUID] =[store].[g] 
and [billInfo].[MatGUID] = [mat].[g] 
Group by [bills].[BT],[bills].[T],[mat].[Name], 
[mat].[Code],[store].[Name] ,[mat].[qty]

what i want is adding one row after each group with Calculating If it's same Product and same code and store i need collect purchase1+Input+Prch2+SInput minus Sales, Output, Sales2 Like This:

BillType | Product | Code | Name | Qtys 
--------   -------   ----   ----   ---- 
Purchas1   Pro1      001    Main    150
Output     Pro1      001    Main    10
Sales      Pro1      001    Main    30
Purch2     Pro1      001    Main    50
Balance    Pro1      001    Main    160
Output     Pro1      001    Branch  10
Sales      Pro1      001    Branch  10
Balance    Pro1      001    Brabch  -20



  • Not a ROLLUP but using a WITH statement and a UNION could do the trick just as wel.

    The gist of it is to

    • Store your original query in q using the WITH statement
    • SELECT all from q
    • Further refine the GROUP BY again from qto calculate the balances
    • UNION the results together

    SQL Server 2000

    SELECT  *
    FROM    (
              SELECT  CASE  WHEN ([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 1 ) THEN 'Purchas1'
                            WHEN ([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 3 ) THEN 'Output'
                            WHEN ([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 4 ) THEN 'Input' 
                            WHEN [bills].[BT] = '1' THEN 'Sales'
                            WHEN [bills].[BT] = '2' THEN 'Prch2'
                            WHEN [bills].[BT] = '3' THEN 'Sales2'
                            WHEN [bills].[BT] = '4' THEN 'SInput' 
                      END AS BillType
                      , [mat].[Name] AS Product
                      , [mat].[Code]
                      , [store].[Name]
                      , SUM([billInfo].[qty]) AS Qtys 
              FROM    [mat]
                      INNER JOIN [billInfo000] ON [billInfo000].[MatGUID] = [mat].[g]
                      INNER JOIN [store] ON [store].[g] = [billInfo0001].[StoreGUID]
                      INNER JOIN [bu] ON [bu].[g] = [billInfo000].[ParentGUID]
                      INNER JOIN [bills] ON [bills].[g] = [bu].[TG]
              GROUP BY
                    , [bills].[T]
                    , [mat].[Name]
                    , [mat].[Code]
                    , [store].[Name]
                    , [mat].[qty]
            ) bt
    SELECT  'Balance'
            , Product
            , Code
            , Name
            , SUM(
                CASE  WHEN BillType = 'Purchas1' THEN Qtys
                      WHEN BillType = 'Output' THEN Qtys * -1
                      WHEN BillType = 'Sales' THEN Qtys * -1
                      WHEN BillType = 'Purch2' THEN Qtys
    FROM    (
              SELECT  CASE  WHEN ([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 1 ) THEN 'Purchas1'
                            WHEN ([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 3 ) THEN 'Output'
                            WHEN ([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 4 ) THEN 'Input' 
                            WHEN [bills].[BT] = '1' THEN 'Sales'
                            WHEN [bills].[BT] = '2' THEN 'Prch2'
                            WHEN [bills].[BT] = '3' THEN 'Sales2'
                            WHEN [bills].[BT] = '4' THEN 'SInput' 
                      END AS BillType
                      , [mat].[Name] AS Product
                      , [mat].[Code]
                      , [store].[Name]
                      , SUM([billInfo].[qty]) AS Qtys 
              FROM    [mat]
                      INNER JOIN [billInfo000] ON [billInfo000].[MatGUID] = [mat].[g]
                      INNER JOIN [store] ON [store].[g] = [billInfo0001].[StoreGUID]
                      INNER JOIN [bu] ON [bu].[g] = [billInfo000].[ParentGUID]
                      INNER JOIN [bills] ON [bills].[g] = [bu].[TG]
              GROUP BY
                    , [bills].[T]
                    , [mat].[Name]
                    , [mat].[Code]
                    , [store].[Name]
                    , [mat].[qty]
            ) balance
            , Code
            , Name

    SQL Server 2005+

    ;WITH q AS (
      SELECT  CASE  WHEN ([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 1 ) THEN 'Purchas1'
                    WHEN ([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 3 ) THEN 'Output'
                    WHEN ([bills].[BT] ='0' and [bills].[T] = 4 ) THEN 'Input' 
                    WHEN [bills].[BT] = '1' THEN 'Sales'
                    WHEN [bills].[BT] = '2' THEN 'Prch2'
                    WHEN [bills].[BT] = '3' THEN 'Sales2'
                    WHEN [bills].[BT] = '4' THEN 'SInput' 
              END AS BillType
              , [mat].[Name] AS Product
              , [mat].[Code]
              , [store].[Name]
              , SUM([billInfo].[qty]) AS Qtys 
      FROM    [mat]
              INNER JOIN [billInfo000] ON [billInfo000].[MatGUID] = [mat].[g]
              INNER JOIN [store] ON [store].[g] = [billInfo0001].[StoreGUID]
              INNER JOIN [bu] ON [bu].[g] = [billInfo000].[ParentGUID]
              INNER JOIN [bills] ON [bills].[g] = [bu].[TG]
      GROUP BY
            , [bills].[T]
            , [mat].[Name]
            , [mat].[Code]
            , [store].[Name]
            , [mat].[qty]
    SELECT  *
    FROM    q
    SELECT  'Balance'
            , Product
            , Code
            , Name
            , SUM(
                CASE  WHEN BillType = 'Purchas1' THEN Qtys
                      WHEN BillType = 'Output' THEN Qtys * -1
                      WHEN BillType = 'Sales' THEN Qtys * -1
                      WHEN BillType = 'Purch2' THEN Qtys
    FROM    q
            , Code
            , Name