I have some code that is getting a search query from a Vuex store. I am using a computed property to get the search query, and then binding it to the v-model of the input field. I want to be able to edit/change the search term via the input field, and then submit the new search query, which will then perform a new search query.
But the since the computed property is "Read Only", when I change the search query in the input field, it does not update search query, and causes a warning:
vendor.js:16674 Write operation failed: computed value is readonly
How can I get the search query from the Vuex, populate a input field, change/update it, and then submit the changed query? I have tried to find a computed
setter for the composition API, but cannot find one.
Any ideas? or should I look at another approach?
Below is the code
<form role="search"
<input type="text" v-model="searchQuery" />
<button type="button" v-on:click="submitSearch">Search</button>
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { useStore } from 'vuex'
export default {
name: "ProductSearchBox",
setup() {
const store = useStore();
const searchQuery = computed(() => store.getters["search/getFiltersSearchTerm"]);
const submitSearch = () => {
store.dispatch('search/performSearch', searchQuery);
return {
This sounds more like a use case for a watch
const searchQuery = ref('');
() => store.getters["search/getFiltersSearchTerm"],
(term) => searchQuery.value = term