I'm trying to navigate to a screen on my Stack Navigation from my topTab navigation but can't find a way around it. I tried using navigation.getParent() but it throws this error TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigation.getParent().navigate')
Here is my code to properly explain:
headerShown: false,
<Stack.Screen name="interests" component={Interests} />
<Stack.Screen name="importSubscriptions" component={ImportSubscriptions} />
<Stack.Screen name="subscriptions" component={Subscriptions} />
<Stack.Screen name="bottomTab" component={MainBottomTab} />
<Stack.Screen name="podcastItem" component={PodcastItemCard}/>
<Stack.Screen name="player" component={Player} />
<Stack.Screen name="tabNavigator" component={UsersInterestTab} />
initialLayout={{ width: Dimensions.get('window').width }}
tabBarActiveTintColor: Colors.white,
tabBarInactiveTintColor: Colors.gray_2,
activeBackgroundColor: Colors.blue_primary,
tabBarScrollEnabled: true,
headerShown: false,
tabBarIndicatorStyle: {
width: 0,
height: 0,
elevation: 0,
tabBarItemStyle: { alignItems: 'center', },
tabBarLabelStyle: { margin: 0, fontSize: fontSize.xsmall, fontFamily: fontFamily.EuclidCircularARegular, color: Colors.gray_2 },
tabBarStyle: {
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
padding: 0,
elevation: 0, // for Android
shadowOffset: {
width: 0,
height: 0 // for iOS
width: '100%'
name={'For you'}
initialParams={{ id: 177 }}
tabBarLabel: ({ color, focused }) => (
<Text style={[styles.label, { color: color, backgroundColor: focused ? Colors.blue_primary : Colors.white }]}>For you</Text>
usersInterests.map((item) => (
initialParams={{ id: item.id }}
tabBarLabel: ({ color, focused }) => (
<Text style={[styles.label, { color: color, backgroundColor: focused ? Colors.blue_primary : Colors.white }]}>{item.name}</Text>
I'm trying to access the player component from the tabNavigator screen. How can I go about that ?
The issue was basically the structure of my navigation. I restructured the navigation without wrapping each Navigator in an individual NavigationaContainer (while passing the Independent props) and it worked.