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TypeORM - Running a migration with custom schema

I need to run TypeORM migration that creates bunch of tables. MS-SQL Database is already created. Those tables are part of schema domain1. Here's the ORM config and migration.


return {
   type: 'mssql',
   host: '..',
   port: '..',
   username: '..',
   password: '..',
   database: '..',
   options: {
     encrypt: true,
   entities: [`${__dirname}/src/entities/*.entity{.ts,.js}`],
   migrations: [`${__dirname}/migrations/**/*{.ts,.js}`],
   migrationsRun: true,
   synchronize: false,
   logging: true,
   schema: 'domain1',
   cli: {
     migrationsDir: 'apps/myapp/src/migration',


export class addBasicSchema1411753217156 implements MigrationInterface {
  public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
     console.log('inside up method');
     await queryRunner.createSchema('domain1', true);

     await queryRunner.query(
        `IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables t JOIN sys.schemas s ON (t.schema_id = s.schema_id) WHERE = 'domain1' AND = 'table1') CREATE TABLE "domain1".[table1] (..);`,
     await queryRunner.query(
        `IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables t JOIN sys.schemas s ON (t.schema_id = s.schema_id) WHERE = 'domain1' AND = 'table2') CREATE TABLE "domain1".[table2] (..);`,

  public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
     await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "domain1"."table1"`);
     await queryRunner.query(`DROP TABLE "domain1"."table2"`);
     await queryRunner.dropSchema('domain1', true);

The problem here is, it tries to create migration table with schema like domain1.migration before the schema gets created. Flow never reaches to console.log('inside up method');

CREATE TABLE "mydb"."domain1"."migrations" ("id" int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1), "timestamp" bigint NOT NULL, 
"name" varchar(255) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "PK_8b82d7f526340ab734260ea46b1" PRIMARY KEY ("id"))

and throws the error: QueryFailedError: Error: The specified schema name "domain1" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.


  • You may not have permission to create a new schema (or Database).

    I faced a similar issue, and I solved it by creating the Database manually.

    The root cause of my case was that the user I configured in the typeorm doesn't have permission to create the schema.