I want to split table data into two column in CSV. I have a table with one column(eg. pincode) having 100 records. using c# I have created the csv file but I want to split this record into two column (eg, pincode1, pincode2).
Can anybody suggest that how can we achieve this?
Thanks in advance
here is the code
var pincodes= DataSourceAccess.RetrieveLockedTns(Convert.ToInt32(count));
if (pincodes?.Count() > 0)
var csv = new StringBuilder();
pincodes.ForEach(x => csv.AppendLine(x));
File.WriteAllText(path, csv.ToString());
lets consider there are 10 records I am getting from database the data it is producing is a csv file with pincodes
the result I want first 5 records in one column(pincode1) and other 5 records in other column(pincode2)
pincode1 pincode2
12345 23857
23455 57485
34543 94859
22345 93846
24554 47395
You can use linq to create two lists, one for each half then zip them into one IEnumerable as a comma separated string per element. Note that I had to make sure both lists are the same length by appending zero to the shorter list so the zip function takes all the elements in both lists. Then write that string into a csv file. The comma in the string means that an element like 112,78 will be automatically split into two columns with the number before the comma in the first column and the number after the comma in the second column. The code below is tested and it works. I have also attached an image of the csv file created.
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
int[] pincodes = new int[] {1123, 677,098,666 };
List<int> pincodes1 = new List<int>();
List<int> pincodes2 = new List<int>();
pincodes1 = pincodes.Take(pincodes.Length / 2).ToList();
pincodes2 = pincodes.Skip(pincodes.Length / 2).ToList();
if (pincodes1.Count > pincodes2.Count)
else if (pincodes2.Count > pincodes1.Count)
var bothpincodes = pincodes1.Zip(pincodes2, (first, second) =>
first + "," + second);
using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("mypinscombined.csv"))
foreach (var item in bothpincodes)