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SRSS Complex Calculated Value on a Total

I have th next table in my SRSS report:

Month           Amount + Tax PY         Amount + Tax CY         Amount + Tax PY vs CY %
Gennaio         0                       124.687                 0%
Febbraio        5.817                   169.236                 2.809%
Marzo           397                     158.143                 39.720%
Aprile          1.059                   202.928                 19.067%
Maggio          18.016                  240.273                 1.234%
Giugno          79.429                  315.122                 297%
Luglio          144.766                 198.513                 37%
Agosto          103.777                 158.023                 52%
Settembre       225.305                 457.579                 103%
Ottobre         214.439                 453.605                 112%
Total           793004,97               2478110,02              [Error]

The column [Amount + Tax PY vs CY %] is a calculated field with the next expression:


I would like to calculate the total of that column using the total of the columns [Amount + Tax PY] and [Amount + Tax CY] using the next expression:


But is giving me an error... the expected result should be : 212%

The error is:

aggregate, rownumber, runningvalue, previous and lookup functions cannot be used in calculated field expression

What I'm missing?


  • Your error message is telling you the answer:

    aggregate ... functions cannot be used in calculated field expression

    sum is an aggregate function.

    It looks like you are trying to add the overall total as a calculated column within the dataset, which as you can see from the error you are getting is not possible.

    If you want to have the Amount + Tax PY vs CY % column in the table you can do so on a row by row basis without the aggregations in the expression, and then to get the overall figure for display in the report, use the expression with the aggregates in.