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I cannot parse Json data from retrofit what's the problem?

Here's my code

interface ApiService {

suspend fun loginTest(@Body testRequest: TestRequest): Response<TestResponse>

data class TestResponse(

var otp : String? = null,

var otpId: Int? = null

Logic -

  loginRepository.loginTest(testRequest.phoneNumber!!).let {
        if (it.isSuccessful) {

            Log.d("_res", it.body().toString())
            Log.d("_res" , _res.value.toString())
            Log.d("_res", _res.value?.data.toString())

        } else {
            _res.postValue(Resource.error(it.errorBody().toString(), null))

Here is my Log , I think response code is 201, maybe success but no data in my model... please help me

enter image description here


  • You are getting a response from the server, as okhttp logging is showing. But, retrofit is not able to map it. As you have the wrong kotlin data class for the response.

      "code": "0000",
      "message": "ok",
      "data": {
        "otpId": 21,
        "otp": "518793"

    Response has otpData inside data object, but your TestResponse only contains otp properties.

    For retrofit to map correctly, you have to define two data classes, one for the parent response and one for the otpData

    Change TestResponse.kt to this

    data class TestResponse(
        val code: String,
        val otpData: OtpData,
        val message: String

    Now, createOtpData.kt

    data class OtpData(
        val otp: String,
        val otpId: Int