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How to see the vertica's procedure in DBeaver?


Does anyone know how to see the vertica's procedures in DBeaver? Not use script.

Here is I can see the objects for vertica.

Here is I can see the objects for sql server.

In sql server we can see the 'procedure' folder, but in vertica can not.

I find the last one about this discussion. It saild, "DBeaver supports stored procedures/views source code view only for: MySQL, Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, Vertica, Firebird."

Do I lost some thing need to install?


  • Stored procedures in Vertica are brand new.

    They have become generally available with Version v11.0.1 , which just came out a few weeks ago.

    DBeaver can only list, in the navigator, things that it "knows" are supported by the connected db.

    I doubt you can teach new stuff to a front end in a few weeks.

    And if your Vertica Version is below v11.0.1, all the worse ..

    What would be worth trying, is opening a SQL window, and going:

    SELECT * FROM v_catalog.user_procedures
    procedure_name|language|procedure_arguments                                                               |schema_name
    pivot         |PL/vSQL |idlist varchar, keyname varchar, valname varchar, tbname varchar, pvtbname varchar|public