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how to pass every key and value of dict as arguments to other function in python

def set_detail_to_user(id, key, val):
    Set details to id@domain by admin

    tx = iroha.transaction([iroha.command('SetAccountDetail',
                account_id=id +'@' + domain_name, key=key, value=val)
    IrohaCrypto.sign_transaction(tx, ADMIN_PRIVATE_KEY)
  • now I want to pass a dict as arg when I call this function
#now when i call the function
user = new.__id.replace('-', '')
my_dict = new.__dict__
set_detail_to_user(user,every_key_in_my_dict, every_value_in_my_dict)

any suggestions please to call the function multiple times for each key-value pair


  • for key, value in dict.items():
            set_detail_to_user(id, key, value)

    There are multiple ways. You can pass whole dictionary too.