I have to define a highestAverage :: [[Int]] -> Double
function that returns the highest average from a list of lists containing numbers.
For example:
bestAverage [[3,1], [5,4,3], [], [5,5,5], [1,2,3]] == 5.0
I have already written a function that returns the average of a list.
listAverage :: [Int] -> Double
listAverage [] = 0.0
listAverage x = fromIntegral(sum x)/fromIntegral(length x)
My problem is that I can't figure out a way to have it do recursion. I always get errors when loading in my module. My code right now looks like this:
highestAverage :: [[Int]] -> Double
highestAverage [[]] = 0.0
highestAverage (x:xs) = max(listAverage x, listAverage xs)
For a non-empty list you call the groupAvg
on the first sublist x
, and then determine the max
between that value, and the recursive call on the tail of the list. The base case is a single sublist where we calculate the maxiumum:
highestAverage :: [[Int]] -> Double
highestAverage [x] = listAverage x
highestAverage (x:xs) = max (listAverage x) (highestAverage xs)
This function will not work for an empty list. If you want to return 0
for an empty list, you can alter the base case to:
highestAverage :: [[Int]] -> Double
highestAverage [] = 0
highestAverage (x:xs) = max (listAverage x) (highestAverage xs)