I have designed a class that is a block of a network and its forward has three inputs: x, logdet, reverse, and has two outputs. for example, everything is normal when I call this class and use it, like:
x = torch.Tensor(np.random.rand(2, 48, 8, 8))
net = Block(inp = 48, oup = 48, mid_channels=48, ksize=3, stride=1, group = 3)
a, _ = net(x, reverse = False)
But when I want to use it by Sequential(because I need multi blocks after each other), the problem occurs like this:
x = torch.Tensor(np.random.rand(2, 48, 8, 8))
conv1_network = nn.Sequential(
Block(inp = 48, oup = 48, mid_channels=48, ksize=3, stride=1, group = 3)
conv1_network(x, reverse = False)
My error is:
TypeError: forward() got an unexpected keyword argument 'reverse'
And it is not normal because I have reverse in my inputs of forward in Block as we see in the first part.
I'm looking forward to finding a way to attach some Blocks to each other for example this is a block
class Block(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_channels):
super(InvConv, self).__init__()
self.num_channels = num_channels
# Initialize with a random orthogonal matrix
w_init = np.random.randn(num_channels, num_channels)
w_init = np.linalg.qr(w_init)[0].astype(np.float32)
self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(w_init))
def forward(self, x, logdet, reverse=False):
ldj = torch.slogdet(self.weight)[1] * x.size(2) * x.size(3)
if reverse:
weight = torch.inverse(self.weight.double()).float()
logdet = logdet - ldj
weight = self.weight
logdet = logdet + ldj
weight = weight.view(self.num_channels, self.num_channels, 1, 1)
z = F.conv2d(x, weight)
return z, logdet
And my purpose is to attach multi Blocks to each other in Sequential in a for(because I can't use the same Block in my work, I need different convolutions for making a deep network)
features = []
for i in range(10):
self.features.append(Block(num_channels = 48))
and then I want to use them like this
self.features(x, logdet = 0, reverse = False)
You indicated that your Block
had a reverse
option. However nn.Sequential doesn't, so conv1_network(x, reverse=False)
is not valid because conv1_network
is not a Block
By default, you can't pass kwargs
to layers inside a nn.Sequential
. You can however inherit from nn.Sequential
and do it yourself. Something like:
class BlockSequence(nn.Sequential):
def forward(self, input, **kwargs):
for module in self:
options = kwargs if isinstance(module, Block) else {}
input = module(input, **options)
return input
This way, you can create a sequence containing Block
s (and optionally non-Block
modules as well):
>>> blocks = []
>>> for i in range(10):
... self.blocks.append(Block(num_channels=48))
>>> blocks = BlockSequence(*blocks)
Then you will be able to call blocks
with the reverse
keyword argument, which be relayed to every potential Block
child module when called:
>>> blocks(x, logdet=0, reverse=False)