I want to create a Chrome extension, that records HTTP requests (to a pre-defined host) and persists them as a list in local storage so when I call a particular website again the list will be extended.
I want to go with Manifest v3 to make the extension "ready for the future". I created a background script to trigger the request that currently puts all the details into local storage like that (currently this is redundant for demonstration purposes, I also tried it seperated):
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(details => {
var urls = [];
chrome.storage.local.get(['data'], function(data){
urls = data.urls;
target: {tabId: details.tabId},
func: recordClick,
args: [details, urls]
() => {
chrome.storage.local.set({urls: urls});
}, {
urls: ['<all_urls>']
There's another function called recordClick() that does the same as in the callback:
function recordClick(details, urls) {
chrome.storage.local.set({urls: urls});
I tried several ways on where to load and save the result but none of them work. When I load the previous urls within the onBeforeRequest trigger, urls is not global and not known within the callback. When I put it outside the trigger definition, it's not reading the storage in realtime. I also tried to load the urls in a content script, loaded at "Document start". I tried to load the urls in the backend script at the top, and so on.
Seems like I have a timing problem: The trigger always loads an empty list or the variable is not global. I'm not able to extend the list. No matter where I put the storage functions.
Is my plan feasable at all? What am I'm doing wrong?
Since chrome.storage.local.get
is asynchronous, you should move chrome.scripting.executeScript
into the callback of it.
may be suitable for your purpose, instead of onBeforeRequest
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(details => {
chrome.storage.local.get('urls', function(data){
let urls = [];
if( data.urls ) {
urls = data.urls;
chrome.storage.local.set({urls: urls}, function() {
console.log('Value is set to ');
chrome.scripting.executeScript( {
target: {tabId: details.tabId},
func: function(details, urls){ console.log("executed script") },
args: [details, urls]
() => {
{ urls: ['<all_urls>'] }