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Add localizations to Xcode that are used often

I need to localize often the same phrases like "No ads" in different apps. Is there any way to add words/phrases that I often localize so that Xcode localize them automatically?


  • Use the function

    func NSLocalizedString(
        key: String,
        tableName: String? = default,
        bundle: NSBundle = default,
        value: String = default,
        comment: String) -> String

    In your project create a strings file with same format as default one (Localizable.strings). Then you can add the localisation for different languages.

    To use it (assume the file name in your bundle is myCommonsStrings.strings :

    let noAdd = NSLocalizedString(key: "NoAdd",
                                  tableName: "myCommonsStrings",
                                  comment: "No add string”)