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A*(A-star) algorithm gives wrong path and crashes

I'm implementing A*(A-star) algorithm in react.js but my program crashes whenever startNode(green) or destinationNode(blue) have more than one neighbour or if there is a cycle in the graph. There is something wrong when adding and deleting the neighbours from/to openList or when updating the parentId in the getPath() function. I cant even see the console because the website goes down. Each node has: id, name, x, y, connectedToIdsList:[], gcost:Infinity, fcost:0, heuristic:0, parentId:null. I'm sending the path to another component "TodoList" which prints out the path. My program should not return the path but keeps updating the path as i'm adding nodes and edges to the list. Please help, I've been stuck for hours now:/

My code:

export default class TurnByTurnComponent extends React.PureComponent {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { shortestPath: [] }

    render() {
        const {
        } = this.props;
        let path = []

        if (destinationLocationId != null && originLocationId != null) {

            if (originLocationId == destinationLocationId) { //check if the startNode node is the end node
                return originLocationId;

            var openList = [];
            let startNode = getNodeById(originLocationId);
            let destinationNode = getNodeById(destinationLocationId)
            if (startNode.connectedToIds.length > 0 && destinationNode.connectedToIds.length > 0) { //check if start and destination nodes are connected first

                startNode.gcost = 0
                startNode.heuristic = manhattanDistance(startNode, destinationNode)
                startNode.fcost = startNode.gcost + startNode.heuristic;

                //perform A*
                openList.push(startNode); //starting with the startNode 
                while (openList.length > 0) {
                    console.log("inside while")
                    var currentNode = getNodeOfMinFscore(openList); //get the node of the minimum f cost of all nodes in the openList
                    if (currentIsEqualDistanation(currentNode)) {
                        path = getPath(currentNode);
                        deleteCurrentFromOpenList(currentNode, openList);
                    for (let neighbourId of currentNode.connectedToIds) { 
                        var neighbourNode = getNodeById(neighbourId);
                        currentNode.gcost = currentNode.gcost + manhattanDistance(currentNode, neighbourNode);
                        if (currentNode.gcost < neighbourNode.gcost) {
                            neighbourNode.parentId =; // keep track of the path
                            // total cost saved in neighbour.g
                            neighbourNode.gcost = currentNode.gcost;
                            neighbourNode.heuristic = manhattanDistance(neighbourNode, destinationNode);
                            neighbourNode.fcost = neighbourNode.gcost + neighbourNode.heuristic; //calculate f cost of the neighbourNode
                            addNeighbourNodeToOpenList(neighbourNode, openList);

                path = path.reverse().join("->");

        function addNeighbourNodeToOpenList(neighbourNode, openList) {
            //add neighbourNode to the open list to be discovered later
            if (!openList.includes(neighbourNode)) {

        function deleteCurrentFromOpenList(currNode, openList) {
            const currIndex = openList.indexOf(currNode);
            openList.splice(currIndex, 1); //deleting currentNode from openList

        function currentIsEqualDistanation(currNode) {
            //check if we reached out the distanation node
            return ( == destinationLocationId)

        function getNodeById(nid) {
            var node;
            for (let i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
                if (locations[i].id == nid) {
                    node = locations[i]
            return node

       function getPath(destNode) {
        console.log("inside getpath")
        var parentPath = []
        var parent;
        while (destNode.parentId != null) {
            parent = destNode.parentId;
            destNode = getNodeById(parent);
        //adding startNode to the path
        return parentPath;

        function getNodeOfMinFscore(openList) {
            var minFscore = openList[0].fcost; //initValue
            var nodeOfminFscore;
            for (let i = 0; i < openList.length; i++) {
                if (openList[i].fcost <= minFscore) {
                    minFscore = openList[i].fcost //minFvalue
                    nodeOfminFscore = openList[i]

            return nodeOfminFscore

        //manhattan distance is for heuristic and gScore. Here I use Manhattan instead of Euclidean 
        //because in this example we dont have diagnosal path.
        function manhattanDistance(stNode, dstNode) {
            var x = Math.abs(dstNode.x - stNode.x);
            var y = Math.abs(dstNode.y - stNode.y);
            var dist = x + y;
            return dist;

        return (
            <div className="turn-by-turn-component">
                    list={"Shortest path: ", [path]}

TurnByTurnComponent.propTypes = {
    destinationLocationId: PropTypes.number,
    locations: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
        id: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
        name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
        x: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
        y: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
        connectedToIds: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number.isRequired).isRequired
    originLocationId: PropTypes.number

Update new issue Pictures of before and after linking a new node. When I update the graph and add a new node the path disappears. And sometimes come back and so on if I still add new nodes and edges to the graph. As I said, each node has: id, name, x, y, connectedToIdsList:[], gcost:Infinity, fcost:0, heuristic:0, parentId:null. My new code now is:

export default class TurnByTurnComponent extends React.PureComponent {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = { shortestPath: [] }

    render() {
        const {
        } = this.props;
        let path = []

        if (destinationLocationId != null && originLocationId != null) {
            path = [getNodeById(originLocationId).namne];
            if (originLocationId != destinationLocationId) {
                var openList = [];
                let startNode = getNodeById(originLocationId);
                let destinationNode = getNodeById(destinationLocationId)
                if (startNode.connectedToIds.length > 0 && destinationNode.connectedToIds.length > 0) {
                    startNode.gcost = 0
                    startNode.heuristic = manhattanDistance(startNode, destinationNode)
                    startNode.fcost = startNode.gcost + startNode.heuristic;

                    openList.push(startNode); //starting with the startNode 
                    while (openList.length > 0) {
                        var currentNode = getNodeOfMinFscore(openList); //get the node of the minimum f cost of all nodes in the openList
                        if (currentIsEqualDistanation(currentNode)) {
                            path = getPath(currentNode);
                        deleteCurrentFromOpenList(currentNode, openList);
                        for (let neighbourId of currentNode.connectedToIds) {
                            var neighbourNode = getNodeById(neighbourId);
                            let gcost = currentNode.gcost + manhattanDistance(currentNode, neighbourNode);
                            if (gcost < (neighbourNode.gcost ?? Infinity)) {
                                neighbourNode.parentId =;
                                // keep track of the path
                                // total cost saved in neighbour.g
                                neighbourNode.gcost = gcost;
                                neighbourNode.heuristic = manhattanDistance(neighbourNode, destinationNode);
                                neighbourNode.fcost = neighbourNode.gcost + neighbourNode.heuristic; //calculate f cost of the neighbourNode
                                addNeighbourNodeToOpenList(neighbourNode, openList);

        path = path.reverse().join("->");

        function addNeighbourNodeToOpenList(neighbourNode, openList) {
            //add neighbourNode to the open list to be discovered later
            if (!openList.includes(neighbourNode)) {

        function deleteCurrentFromOpenList(currentNode, openList) {
            const currIndex = openList.indexOf(currentNode);
            openList.splice(currIndex, 1); //deleting currentNode from openList

        function currentIsEqualDistanation(currentNode) {
            //check if we reached out the distanation node
            return ( == destinationLocationId)

        function getNodeById(id) {
            var node;
            for (let i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
                if (locations[i].id == id) {
                    node = locations[i]
            return node

        function getPath(destinationNode) {
            console.log("inside getpath")
            var parentPath = []
            var parent;
            while (destinationNode.parentId != null) {
                parent = destinationNode.parentId;
                destinationNode = getNodeById(parent);
            //adding startNode to the path
            return parentPath;

        function getNodeOfMinFscore(openList) {
            var minFscore = openList[0].fcost; //initValue
            var nodeOfminFscore;
            for (let i = 0; i < openList.length; i++) {
                if (openList[i].fcost <= minFscore) {
                    minFscore = openList[i].fcost //minFvalue
                    nodeOfminFscore = openList[i]

            return nodeOfminFscore

        //manhattan distance is for heuristic and gScore. Here I use Manhattan instead of Euclidean 
        //because in this example we dont have diagnosal path.
        function manhattanDistance(startNode, destinationNode) {
            var x = Math.abs(destinationNode.x - startNode.x);
            var y = Math.abs(destinationNode.y - startNode.y);
            var dist = x + y;
            return dist;

        return (

            <div className="turn-by-turn-component">

                    title="Mandatory work"
                    title="Optional work"

TurnByTurnComponent.propTypes = {
    destinationLocationId: PropTypes.number,
    locations: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
        id: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
        name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
        x: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
        y: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
        connectedToIds: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number.isRequired).isRequired
    originLocationId: PropTypes.number

enter image description here enter image description here


  • There are a few issues in your code:

    • return originLocationId; should not happen. When the source is equal to the target, then set the path, and make sure the final return of this function is executed, as you want to return the div element.

    • When the target is found in the loop, not only should the path be built, but the loop should be exited. So add a break

    • currentNode.gcost = currentNode.gcost + manhattanDistance(currentNode, neighbourNode); is not right: you don't want to modify currentNode.gcost: its value should not depend on the outgoing edge to that neighbour. Instead store this sum in a temporary variable (like gcost)

    • The comparison with neighbourNode.gcost will not work when that node does not yet have a gcost member. I don't see in your code that it got a default value that makes sure this condition is true, so you should use a default value here, like (neighbourNode.gcost ?? Infinity)

    • path = path.reverse().join("->"); should better be executed always, also when there is no solution (so path is a string) or when the source and target are the same node.

    Here is a corrected version, slightly adapted to run here as a runnable snippet:

    function render() {
        const {
        } = this.props;
        let path = [];
        if (destinationLocationId != null && originLocationId != null) {
            path = [originLocationId]; // The value for when the next if condition is not true 
            if (originLocationId != destinationLocationId) {
                var openList = [];
                let startNode = getNodeById(originLocationId);
                let destinationNode = getNodeById(destinationLocationId)
                if (startNode.connectedToIds.length > 0 && destinationNode.connectedToIds.length > 0) {
                    startNode.gcost = 0
                    startNode.heuristic = manhattanDistance(startNode, destinationNode)
                    startNode.fcost = startNode.gcost + startNode.heuristic;
                    while (openList.length > 0) {
                        var currentNode = getNodeOfMinFscore(openList);
                        if (currentIsEqualDistanation(currentNode)) {
                            path = getPath(currentNode);
                            break; // Should end the search here!
                        deleteCurrentFromOpenList(currentNode, openList);
                        for (let neighbourId of currentNode.connectedToIds) { 
                            var neighbourNode = getNodeById(neighbourId);
                            // Should not modify the current node's gcost. Use a variable instead:
                            let gcost = currentNode.gcost + manhattanDistance(currentNode, neighbourNode);
                            // Condition should also work when neighbour has no gcost yet:
                            if (gcost < (neighbourNode.gcost ?? Infinity)) {
                                neighbourNode.parentId =;
                                neighbourNode.gcost = gcost; // Use the variable
                                neighbourNode.heuristic = manhattanDistance(neighbourNode, destinationNode);
                                neighbourNode.fcost = neighbourNode.gcost + neighbourNode.heuristic;
                                addNeighbourNodeToOpenList(neighbourNode, openList);
        // Convert the path to string in ALL cases:
        path = path.reverse().join("->");
        function addNeighbourNodeToOpenList(neighbourNode, openList) {
            if (!openList.includes(neighbourNode)) {
        function deleteCurrentFromOpenList(currNode, openList) {
            const currIndex = openList.indexOf(currNode);
            openList.splice(currIndex, 1);
        function currentIsEqualDistanation(currNode) {
            return ( == destinationLocationId)
        function getNodeById(nid) {
            var node;
            for (let i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
                if (locations[i].id == nid) {
                    node = locations[i]
            return node
        function getPath(destNode) {
            var parentPath = []
            var parentId;
            while (destNode.parentId != null) {
                parentId = destNode.parentId;
                destNode = getNodeById(parentId);
            return parentPath;
        function getNodeOfMinFscore(openList) {
            var minFscore = openList[0].fcost;
            var nodeOfminFscore;
            for (let i = 0; i < openList.length; i++) {
                if (openList[i].fcost <= minFscore) {
                    minFscore = openList[i].fcost
                    nodeOfminFscore = openList[i]
            return nodeOfminFscore
        function manhattanDistance(stNode, dstNode) {
            var x = Math.abs(dstNode.x - stNode.x);
            var y = Math.abs(dstNode.y - stNode.y);
            var dist = x + y;
            return dist;
        return "Shortest path: " + path;
    // Demo
    let props = {
        locations: [
            { id: 1, x: 312, y: 152, connectedToIds: [4,2], name: "Thetaham" },
            { id: 2, x: 590, y: 388, connectedToIds: [1,3], name: "Deltabury" },
            { id: 3, x: 428, y: 737, connectedToIds: [2], name: "Gammation" },
            { id: 4, x: 222, y: 430, connectedToIds: [1], name: "Theta City" },
        originLocationId: 1,
        destinationLocationId: 3, 