The foldr version was fast than the foldl version:
the foldr version:
cartProdN9 :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
cartProdN9 xss =
foldr h1 [[]] xss where
h1 xs yss = foldr g [] xs where
g x zss = foldr f zss yss where
f xs yss = (x:xs):yss
The foldl version
cartProdN11 :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
cartProdN11 xss =
foldl h1 [[]] xss where
h1 yss xs = foldl g [] xs where
g zss x = foldl f zss yss where
f yss xs = (x:xs):yss
The process cartProdN9 [[1,2]| i <- [1 .. 1000]]
is ok . But cartProdN11 [[1,2]| i <- [1 .. 1000]]
not ok.
The strict version fold'
is still no ok:
foldl' f z [] = z
foldl' f z (x:xs) = let z' = z `f` x
in z' `seq` foldl' f z' xs
Even using the tech in
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module D where
data StrictList a = Cons !a !(StrictList a) | Nil
strictMap :: (a -> b) -> StrictList a -> StrictList b
strictMap _ Nil = Nil
strictMap f (Cons a list) =
let !b = f a
!list' = strictMap f list
in b `seq` list' `seq` Cons b list'
strictEnum :: Int -> Int -> StrictList Int
strictEnum low high =
go low
go !x
| x == high = Cons x Nil
| otherwise = Cons x (go $! x + 1)
list :: Int -> StrictList Int
list !x = Cons x (Cons x Nil)
foldlS = \f z l ->
case l of
Nil -> z
Cons !x !xs -> let !z' = z `f` x
in z' `seq` foldlS f z' xs
listlist :: StrictList (StrictList Int)
listlist = strictMap list $! strictEnum 1 10
cartProdN12 :: StrictList (StrictList a) -> StrictList (StrictList a)
cartProdN12 xss =
foldlS h1 (Cons Nil Nil) xss where
h1 !yss !xs = foldlS g Nil xs where
g !zss !x = foldlS f zss yss where
f !yss !xs = Cons (Cons x xs ) yss
myhead :: StrictList a -> a
myhead = \l ->
case l of
Cons x xs -> x
r = cartProdN12 listlist
hr :: Int
hr = myhead( myhead r)
the listlist = strictMap list $! strictEnum 1 100
still too slow to compute.
So my problem: how to make foldl
version compute as faster as the foldr
version? It is possible?
The process cartProdN9 [[1,2]| i <- [1 .. 1000]] is ok .
I sincerely doubt that, because the resulting list will have 2^1000 elements, so you're probably not benchmarking correctly.
Here's a little benchmark I threw together that shows that the simple strict version is actually faster:
module Main where
import Test.Tasty.Bench
cartProdN9 :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
cartProdN9 xss =
foldr h1 [[]] xss where
h1 xs yss = foldr g [] xs where
g x zss = foldr f zss yss where
f xs yss = (x:xs):yss
cartProdN11 :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
cartProdN11 xss =
foldl h1 [[]] xss where
h1 yss xs = foldl g [] xs where
g zss x = foldl f zss yss where
f yss xs = (x:xs):yss
mkBench :: ([[Int]] -> [[Int]]) -> Int -> Benchmark
mkBench f n = bench (show n) $ nf f (replicate n [1, 2])
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ bgroup "cartProdN9" $ map (mkBench cartProdN9) [10,15,20]
, bgroup "cartProdN11" $ map (mkBench cartProdN11) [10,15,20]
10: OK (0.16s)
36.7 μs ± 3.0 μs
15: OK (0.29s)
4.48 ms ± 273 μs
20: OK (5.75s)
378 ms ± 28 ms
10: OK (0.28s)
33.1 μs ± 2.2 μs
15: OK (0.98s)
3.76 ms ± 292 μs
20: OK (5.22s)
337 ms ± 12 ms
The nf
in the mkBench
function is very important, if you use whnf
then you get very different results:
10: OK (0.14s)
122 ns ± 11 ns
15: OK (0.19s)
189 ns ± 11 ns
20: OK (0.27s)
257 ns ± 11 ns
10: OK (0.18s)
10.7 μs ± 683 ns
15: OK (0.30s)
2.41 ms ± 150 μs
20: OK (0.56s)
188 ms ± 4.2 ms